This year's animal is the rat. My intention was to make the rat look like he is cutting a block of wood to make a woodblock print. That is why the year is backwards. I figured printmakers would get it, but already, two of the printmaker recipients have asked if I intended to make the year backwards. Oh well. For any printmaker who is might be interested in how I print. I print with watercolor using Hanga (Japanese) technique. This print was done reductive, with one piece of wood.
The Chinese New Year started on Feb. 8. I flew to Juneau on that morning, returned on Friday. My main reason for going was a doctor visit. As always when I go there, I do much more. The trip to Juneau takes about a half hour. We sometimes follow the coast line, but this time we went through the pass over the Chilkats. Here are some pictures I took.

The week before last, I discovered a new way to paint. Though I much prefer to paint from life, most of my larger landscapes are from photos. I took so many good photos last summer, with intention to paint a few. I was going to print out a photo to work on painting but my ink was out, so decided to try painting from my lap top. OMG! Can't believe I never had tried this before.

This was from a photo taken last August when four women friends and I spent 3 fabulous days kayaking and camping.
The weather was bitter cold last week.... Juneau was horrid with Taku winds. Quite a lot of snow, but today it is raining.
isn't b;ogging fun? I ;ove this painting--reminds me of the kayak trip Bonnie and I did 2 summers ago now...
Bonnie was my "model" People think its me because my kayak is the same color.
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