I didn't really make a New Years resolution to blog more this year, but so far, I have made the effort to do so.... mostly on my other blog,
Watercolor Postcards. So far, I've done a little painting every day this year and have posted them regularly. I've also been unusually busy in the studio most days. Though this blogging thing is quite time consuming, my art and blogging seem to feed on each other. Today, Sunday is my usual day for keeping up on my paper work and I haven't been in the studio today, and perhaps this will be my day for catching up here too.
I scanned a few paintings I did in the last month.

This, as are most all of my landscapes done in the studio, is from a photograph. This was a view from a friends house about 10 years ago. I'd like to go back and do the view on location, and think I'll ask the new owners of the home if I can. Its certainly hard to paint outside this time of year and even with digital photos on the computer screen, I can't see all I want to. Maybe that's a good thing, in some cases, but I had trouble with the nuances in value in the mountains on this one.

This was painted from a photo taken in 06. I did a painting on location of these 2 islands from a different place on the beach and it is
And then I did this one of the same 2 islands from yet a different view point. The photo of this was one of my favorite from the trip and has been my screen saver for most of the last 2 years. The photo shows a lot of water and beach in the foreground. I worked for days trying to get it right in the painting, but finally wiped out the water and painted over it with gouache. Maybe I'll try again another year..... or maybe with gouache.

Here's a photo of an old outhouse, taken a couple of weeks ago. Its in the file, all sized to put here, so here it is. It was before the heavy snow we've had since Christmas.... 6 feet or more with an accumulation of over 3 feet. The cold weather finally broke last night and rain started today. What a mess. My photos of the heavy snow are on my other computer which I can't access the internet with.
Beautiful work here, Carole!! The colors are rich where they need to be and the composition intrigues me! Your Jefferson Memorial is also stunning!
Thank you so much for your positive words. I learned a lot with the Jefferson Memorial painting... makes me want to paint some more night paintings.
I love especially your gouaches, there is a softness in them.
I know the Cornwall, and Brandscombe. I visited it once in April the big gardens, they were wonderful, with huge rhododendrons.
Bravo for your painting, Carole!
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