Too busy to paint much, but taking lots of photos. I'll put what few little paintings I've done on the other blog as soon as I get photos of them.... Its much easier to scan them, but I don't have the scanner here. Anyway, Here are some of the photos.

I visited my cousin Madelon and Aunt Lou in Palmetto again with my cousin Jill from California. We made another trip on the water.... here are Madelon and Jill in the canoe. I was in a kayak. We went up Frog Creek, out of Boca Ceia Bay. It was a maze of mangroves which thankfully someone had marked the way with orange tape.

Back in Cedar Key, Van took Jill for a ride.

Last Saturday, Van and I rowed to Atsena Otie Key, only about a 35 minute row from our place on the bayou. It was a beautiful day.

There was a community and pencil factory there in the 1800's. We walked on a trail that ended at this grave yard.... most of the graves were from the end of that century.

We found this eel at the edge of the surf. We pushed him back in the water, but it came right back. We watched another passer by do the same and it came back. Guess thats the nature of the beast.

On Wednesday, we drove to Manatee Springs, about 45 minutes from here. There were 6 manatees there. The water is always 72 degrees and they like to come and warm up from the Suwanee River.

This boardwalk goes down to the Suwanee. We found out while there, that the Suwanee will be flooding next week. It was already rising. From what someone said, this boardwalk will be underwater.

Walking on one of the trails, we saw some deer.
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