Thursday, October 7, 2010


No rain today and would have gone outside and painted in the sun, but was waiting for someone to come by all day (he never showed up) and so painted from a photo that I took last week. Tried to do something a little larger than usual with gouache.... still pretty small.

gouache painting 8x8 inches

I feel like such a beginner with gouache, still having trouble with the values..... the mountains should have been lighter. I have begun using oil painting brushes and painting on an easel instead of with my watercolor rounds working flat, and it is beginning to feel a little easier but for the details. I had a lot of trouble with the foreground on this one, wiped it out a couple of times and still don't like it.


martinealison said...

Je n'ai jamais travaillé avec de la gouache et je suppose que cela ne doit pas être simple... Courage je suis certaine que vous réussirez. Bisous

Sandy said...

Lovely, and what a dramatic sky!! I am frightened to try gouche.

Aurora said...

you paintings always make me homesick...I am glad you are feeling better!! today I also painted with gouache...bit my technique is so different from yours...

Jana Bouc said...

I like this but I sure understand what you're saying about about wanting to work from life instead of photos. Pretty hard to do in the rain though! That's interesting that you're using bristle brushes at an easel with gouache. It sounds tricky but you're having good success--it looks very much like oil paint.