I had joined Wet Canvas when I was still on dial-up and it would have taken most of a day to do anything, but now with my 2G, its doable....most of the time. There is lots and lots there... I've spent a whole bunch of time already reading past challenges and following links to more gouache paintings. I need to figure out how to post scans and photos, but I have joined in. I started in with Maggie's instructions this afternoon to do small monochromatic studies of trees..... out the studio window of the trees I've painted so many times.... very overcast all day and light snow.
Back to the mountain hemlock painting. Yesterday, I started over on a piece of mat board that I painted with black gesso.

I worked on it some more today and am liking it a whole lot better than the watercolor. In fact except for a couple of things, I'm pretty happy with it and jazzed about getting in the studio tomorrow to use the gouache again.
i love your gouache painting!!!
I like the flow and feel that is captured in the trees.
Thank you Aurora.
Teresa, Thank you for visiting. Your comment is very much appreciated.
Hi Carole,
I love your paintings! Do you have an etsy shop or somewhere one might be able to purchase your original work online?
Hi Jaime, So good to get your comment. No, no Etsy. Its on my list of things to do this year, but after our trip south, which is coming up.... leaving for Florida at the end of Feb. and not back until end of April.
I love your trees.
I love your hemlocks in both the watercolor and gouache. Both are really nice but I think I like the gouache better because it is more graphic looking which I really like. It looks like a painting from the 1930's. I'm glad I found your blog. I haven't seen very many gouache painters in blogland.
Nice play with the gouache paint and black gesso - makes the painting on the matboard look alive!
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