oil painting 7x5 inches |
I seem to finally be getting over my cold. It is the first one in over a year and has really gotten me down. I got back into the studio on Sunday but it took a while to get past the inertia. I piddled around, spent a morning setting up a still life that I didn't want to paint, and yesterday, finished two oil paintings that I'd started earlier.
The first one is from this pencil drawing. I have a partially finished larger piece from the same drawing that I started in a workshop with
Deborah Paris and doing this has shown me how I want to finish it.
oil painting 8x8 inches |
This is from another pencil sketch (below.) I need to work some more on the snow on trees, give it more form.
Though I'm not satisfied with any of the paintings I've done from my pencil sketches, I am quite pleased that I've been able to do as well as I have. I can see where with just a little more detail and notes in my drawings that I can have enough information to make a decent painting.
I've been hoping for some amount of snow accumulation so I could go out and observe and sketch some. Last evening as it was getting dark it was getting there, but in started raining around midnight and now much of the snow is off of the trees.