Thursday, January 29, 2015

Number 22

watercolor 6x6 inches
 I'm back to painting everyday until I've posted 30 paintings.  I lost some time with my cold, so I'm going to keep working into February.   Actually, I probably will have painted 30 paintings by the end of the month.  I wiped out several and have a few little watercolors that I haven't posted.

I started to paint this tree with oil, drew it out on a gessoed board, then decided to paint it with watercolor.  We had some more snow this morning, enough to cover the branches on the cottonwood tree outside my studio window.  I used frisket on the snow.  Behind the cottonwood are thickets of willow with clumps of snow.  I'm not sure if I captued that or not.


7 Mile said...

You sure are flexible changing from oils to w/c in one sitting. Glad you are better and able to wrap up the challenge.

Celia Blanco said...

Hi Carole, I'm happy you are feeling better and posting again. This is a fantastic snowy painting!

Carole Baker said...

Thank you Celia.