Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 9

watercolor 6x6.5 inches

 Here's another painting  for Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.

I painted this as the sun was about to pass from behind the tall trees yesterday in the southern sky.  It is good to see the sun get higher in the sky since solstice.  There is a haze from wood smoke from my neighbor's house behind the tall trees.


Ellen Shipley said...


7 Mile said...

Really fabulous atmospheric effect. Such a feeling of place.

Carole Baker said...

Thank you, Ellen and Laurel, I was a bit hesitant to post this one, but I guess it works. I might yet become confident of my memory.

Andrew Stone said...

This one feels cold. Beautiful handling of the raking light/mist/fog/smoke. Love this one.

Carole Baker said...

Thank you Andrew. So good to have your complement.