On Sunday our friend Jane boated over from her home, a very special place that you can read about here, and spent the afternoon with us.

Here's sweet Jane.

On Monday we paddled around another island (Three Hill) which took most of the day. Fantastic weather.... sun and not much wind, and the tides were right. Here's Kim thinking about going through the arch. She didn't.
We stopped at a couple of beaches and explored and had lunch.

Here we are at the far end of the island watching nesting cormorants on the cliffs. Weird sounds coming from them.

A 20 minute walk from where we camped took us to this cannon which was part of a military installation protecting the northern entrance to the inside passage during WWII. There were also some remnants of buildings.

And here is an overlook from one of the trails. For years I've passed by these islands in our boat and never saw them from the inside... quite a different experience.

Many pleasant hours were spent on the beach. A humpback whale was in the cove much of the time.

Oh yes, I also did a few sketches.
And now I'm home getting the garden planted and my little gallery ready to open and a zillion other things on my list. And we're having a heat wave. I'm sure we must be breaking records with the weather this year. It has hardly rained at all since I came back home a month ago.
It seems like we're having the opposite weather, cold and rain and it's almost June! Your travel sketches look great. How exciting about your gallery. Your work is so beautiful--it's always a joy to visit. The color in the pieces from Florida is amazing.
carole must be an incredible place to be .. wonderful sketches ..enjoyed looking at all of you super sketches from you travels last month.
Wow Carole. What beautiful country. Do you ever get used to it? My husband and I are going on a cruise in Alaska the end of June and these pictures made me even more excited!
This is just so cool! Thanks, Carole, for the nice post and for the link to our website! It was more than fun to spend a few hours with you two--I'm still working on that anchor... Love, Jane
Jana, I 'can't believe its in the 70's in May here. I'm enjoying it, but hoping to get back to our normal cold and rain... I like normal.
Jane M, It is indeed incredible here. I love to travel, but this place is the best.
Nancy, Most of the cruises come right by our little town, but don't stop. We are right at the mouth of Glacier Bay National Park.
Jane B, Hope to see you again soon.
Wow, what a gorgeous setting - I want to see your sketches closer!!!!
beautiful account of a beautiful journey...
looking forward for the close ups of your pictures...
And I had pleasant morning moments with my cup of coffee reading your blog and loving your photos/paintings. Your kayak camping trip is enviable!
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