It is 12 x 5 inches, which will leave a half inch border. The scanner left an inch off the bottom which was dark brown.... I may leave it off the print too and I'm not sure about the background color behind the pear. There is also some of the image missing on the right; why, I don't know. There will be more shadow in the pear. The paint ran together because I was in a hurry and couldn't find my hair dryer.
I really wanted to do a landscape, but everything I came up with was really complicated. I'm feeling relief that I've finally got a design.
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Happy New Year Carole! I have been a little remiss in commenting lately, but I do look!! Hope you are well and had a nice holiday season. (Glad it's over!) I like how your oils are looking, I think you have the hang of it, you are very talented anyways! You would probably be good at any form of art! Hope to be better at correspondence in the new year! (Liked the article about your town)
Mary Anne, I really appreciate what you said. I too have not been commenting much, even on my on blog, but hope to do better.
Martine, thank you so much for you kind words.
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