I can't seem to find a scan I'm sure I did of a little gouache painting last week before I cleaned up the studio, so found this that I did in 2006 of poppies and peas from my garden.

Still life with Yellow Chair watercolor and gouache 24 x 18
As with most of my still life paintings, I painted the flowers first from life, sometimes with no idea of what else would be in the painting. I finished it several months later, adding the gouache background last. Looking at this now, the green pitcher seems to be floating, not grounded.... I never noticed that before.
This is lovely! A big burst of spring. Love all the pattern. Have a fabulous trip!
Wow what a delightful feast for the eye!
Bravo Carole, j'aime beaucoup cette composition. Les coquelicots paraissent tellement légers, aériens comme il se doit. l'ensemble est tellement frais, vos couleurs sublimes... j'aime (je me répète!!!)
have a great time in Florida!
lovely painting...
the beans and glass are standing out as real...
good work...
Avec toute mon amitié.
I left an award for you, on my blog
Hope your trip is going well Carol. I am exploring and having fun so far!!! Weather is not the warmest, but better than Maine. Pray it gets better. I will have to look into the bottle wall, don't know where it is, if you remember, let me know. Look forward to seeing how it is going for you. Have fun!!
Hope your trip is going well Carol. I am exploring and having fun so far!!! Weather is not the warmest, but better than Maine. Pray it gets better. I will have to look into the bottle wall, don't know where it is, if you remember, let me know. Look forward to seeing how it is going for you. Have fun!!
What a stunning piece..delightful. Have a safe trip back to Florida and have fun.
Oh my, thank you and merci to all for the lovely comments and best wishes for my trip. We are settled at Cedar Key and don't have an internet connection at the house, but I do hope to get here to the library often and see what all you are doing and post a bit.
Hello, so sorry it took me so long to thank-you so for the painting tree's info. I'll look up this book.
Hope your trip to orlando is wonderful I lived and hour away orfrom orlando fla for 14 years and miss it so.
Cant wait to read your stories.
Bonsoir Carole,
J'espère voir très vite de belles peintures inspirées de ton voyage.
Nice carole.. Maybe a little cast shadow with the pitcher and it'll take care of the floating. Tell everyone in Florida I said Hi!
Never been there but sounds pretty good about now with a cold Wyoming wind blowing.
Linda, I grew up in Bartow which is a little more than on hour away. Wondering how close you were.
Merci Martine
Gary, The weather hasn't been great here, but much improvement over Alaska and I'm sure Montana.
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